sábado, 12 de setembro de 2009

Learning Arabic - 7 Tips to Improve Your Arabic Language Skills

Learning Arabic can be a daunting task. If you are lucky enough to have bilingual parents or attended an Arabic school that taught the language, that's great. But what if you are older now and interested in learning Arabic as a second language or even just improving your Arabic language skills?

Well, the good news is there are many helpful tools for you to access.Learning to speak Arabic as an additional language is beneficial in many ways. You can easily communicate in the Arabic language and express your thoughts, ideas and opinions in a foreign language.

Learning new languages help in strengthening your interaction with others, and you can increase your dealings and businesses to get better profit.Learning Arabic as a foreign language is not easy. A person needs to work hard on the Arabic vocabulary, grammar, and expressions to get the basics correctly. Here are some tips that help you to learn the Arabic language faster and easier:

1. Spend More Time Studying Arabic

To grasp a foreign language in a perfect manner, you need to spend more time on the language. You need to read different Arabic books. Listening to Arabic music and conversation in particular will help you to get correct Arabic pronunciation and usage. Take Arabic language classes if you face something challenging. You can also practice the language by conversing with native Arabic speakers.

2. Use Arabic Language Software

If you enjoy learning with Arabic multimedia programs on the computer, there are several different brands that you can use. Most combine visual flashcard-type lessons or video with the ability to practice speaking the language using a microphone. An excellent example is the Arabic Rocket Language software. You get two Arabic software programs to help you practice what you learn in the lessons. You will see your comprehension develop rapidly in the language as you use them.

3. Travel Abroad To Countries That Speak Arabic

Taking frequent trips to countries that speak Arabic will help you to understand their practices and the Arabic culture. You can see and understand their values, traditions and importance of language attached to it. Sometimes you may come across the native tongue in a particular area and learn even more new words.

4. Use Arabic Programs Online

There are many programs for learning Arabic as a second language on-line. This gives you the advantage of being able to study from any computer and gives you immediate access. Livemocha has on-line Arabic lessons you can study free...and then allows you to upgrade to more advanced lessons if you would like. There are also many language reference and Arabic dictionary websites readily available online as well.

5. Learn the Essence of the Arabic Language

Languages are the essence of a person's existence. It is the perfect medium to share your mindset with others and gives you a chance to analyze others' thoughts and actions. It is difficult to survive without any language, so value it and learn it thoroughly.

6. Arabic Audio Programs

If you don't have a computer or prefer to learn while doing other things like sitting in rush hour traffic, an audio program may be best for you. You can take a look at the Arabic Rocket Languages program...and other audio programs like it through the link below.

They combine an instructor with native Arabic speakers that let you hear a word or phrase and then give you a chance to repeat it. Audio is a great resource because you can listen to the Arabic teacher repeat things over and over until you either learn it or get sick of hearing his voice.

7. Complete Immersion In Arabic

By far, the best way to learn a language is by living in a country that speaks Arabic. Of course you will still need to use one or more of the above methods. But if you can do it while living around people who speak the language, you will learn Arabic much faster and speak better.

No matter how good the program or Arabic class is, it is never exactly the same as actually living the language. You may not be able to actually move to another country but if you can spend 2 weeks to a month studying there, it will be well worth it.

For More Information About How To Learn Arabic

David A. Bailey, Jr. shares his best, top-secret, and little-known tips and tricks to learn Arabic and other languages fast (based on 10+ years of experience) at http://exlsite.com/languagelearning/arabic/learningarabic.html

Learning Arabic - 7 Tips to Improve Your Arabic Language Skills

Whether it's for professional or personal reasons, learning at least one foreign language like Arabic has many benefits. It has also almost become a necessity. In today's globalized society at an all time height, the ability of speaking two or more languages has become more than a simple feat of high class and intelligence. In many settings it is almost a strict requirement to learn Arabic. Let's take a look at 5 of the main reasons that you should consider learning a new language.

Reason #1: Professional Status of Learning Arabic

This is probably the main reason most language students would learn new idiom. Current professions in many fields require the knowledge of at least one foreign language like Arabic. Businesses that are hiring may require you to be able to communicate in at least one international language such as English, French, Spanish or Arabic.

Other companies may be looking for employees who can speak a business-specific language such as Chinese, Japanese, Russian, and so forth. If you're a native English speaker you may have easier time of finding a job, since English is the main international language (and one that is present the most often in job descriptions). However, being able to speak a second language, like Arabic, might prove vital to you as well.

Reason #2: Social Bonus of Learning to Speak Arabic

Yes, communicating in Arabic is definitely a social bonus. There is definitely a large difference and enormous benefits between being presented as someone that doesn't know any foreign language whatsoever and being presented as a polyglot (someone who speaks several languages).

Being able to speak Arabic fluently can literally be a real social blessing is when you happen to meet up with someone who speaks Arabic. They will be extremely impressed by your ability to understand what they say and be able to communicate with them in their own native tongue. This simple fact alone can single-handedly create a great impression on everyone around you.

Imagine the look of shock and awe on everybody's face if you were to begin speaking or writing in Arabic in the middle of a business meeting. This could leave a powerful impression and possibly even turn into a successful business partnership, bringing you both professional and social satisfaction.

Reason #3: Family Communication

In this day and age, it is common for people who speak different languages to meet and communicate in a third language that they both understand. This happens frequently online. And if the sparks of romance begin to fly when Cupid is around...

Well let's just say that it's often the case where a couple formed out of persons of diverse nationalities usually understand each other through a commonly known international language such as English.

However, they'll soon want to start learning the other person's mother tongue, not only for a better communication, but also out of respect for each other.

Reason #4: Personal Satisfaction

Learning how to speak Arabic is one of the highest intellectual goals that you can have on a personal scale. Think about a difficult puzzle or math problem that took you months or years of constant studying in order to solve it. The process of solving it may have been hard and arduous, but the shouts of joy in the end will be well worth it.

It's the same case with learning to talk Arabic. The learning process is not easy and you'll have many small setbacks and problems to tackle along the journey. You will have to focus on various aspects of the issues that are part of learning a new idiom such as learning new vocabulary, how to write Arabic and pronounce them correctly, as well as how to use the new grammar structures.

If you keep your focus on the end result, however, and get plenty of help along the way, the chances of learning to speak Arabic are extremely high. Not to mention the intellectual fulfillment and personal satisfaction you get at the end will be incomparable to anything else.

Reason #5: Keeping Your Mind Healthy

And last but not least, it has been scientifically proven that the process of learning a new language like Arabic stimulates your brain in such a way that it makes you sharper to understand and learn other subjects like math, physics, chemistry and so on.

Learning a new language and understanding several thousand new words and grammar structure, which offer your brain great training for future occasions where memorizing is a must. After studying Arabic and learning it well, you'll get even better results when studying for exams, assimilating information, or simply keeping your mind healthy and "active" even at older ages.

So what are you waiting for? Discover how to learn Arabic the quickest and most efficient way possible. There are lots of ways to learn Arabic online. So just get to work learning with some good Arabic software, Arabic courses, or an Arabic tutor.

For More Information About How To Learn Arabic

David A. Bailey, Jr. shares his best, top-secret, and little-known tips and tricks to learn Arabic and other languages fast (based on 10+ years of experience) at http://exlsite.com/languagelearning/arabic/learningarabic.html

Creative Arabic Language Learning - 4 Fun Ways to Make Learning Arabic Easier

You can use your computer as a creative language learning tool to learn Arabic. Here are some innovative ideas to turn your language education into an entertaining and memorable Arabic language learning experience.

Language Learning Fun #1 - Modify Your Arabic Audio Lessons

There are many software packages available that enable you to transform your voice in any audio. You can cut and paste from one section of the audio to another. You can play the same section of the audio over as much as you like.

So how will this help you learn to speak Arabic? Well, many Arabic teachers and courses provide you with audio files. You can take those audio files and modify them to create other exercises.

There are actually 16 different kinds of Arabic exercises that you can create with an audio file to get more practice. But we will talk about that in another lesson. With most audio programs that allow you to edit the file, you can make your voice sound more feminine, masculine, or even robotic. You can raise it to a higher pitch or lower bass tones.

Some languages like French and German for example, assign gender to the nouns. So, when you are learning new vocabulary words, you can modify the feminine nouns to a woman's voice, masculine nouns in a man's voice, and the neuter nouns in a robotic voice?

This approach can also be used with other types of vocabulary learning. Perhaps you could record a list of Arabic verbs in the present tense in a woman's voice and a list of Arabic verbs in the past tense in a man's voice. You can make your Arabic lessons more interesting by morphing voices or adding sound effects.

Just do a quick search on the internet for 'voice cloaking' or 'voice modification software'. This will provide numerous resources to choose from. I personally like using a program called Audacity, especially since it is free.

Language Learning Fun #2 - Color Code Your Arabic Language Lessons

You can also spice up your Arabic vocabulary lists with bursts of color on your printer- perhaps nouns in red, verbs in blue, and prepositions in green. You might want to highlight irregular verbs in another color - or perhaps apply bold or italics to make them stand out on the page. Experiment with different fonts and weights.

Language Learning Fun #3 - Surf Arabic Websites and Online Sources

There are several tools that every Arabic student should have. And one of those is at least one online Arabic dictionary bookmarked in your browser (preferably several). Every dictionary works a little bit differently.

Some provide sound clips with the pronunciation. Others allow you to submit new words and expressions. (Just remember that not all user submissions will be 100% accurate.) The best dictionaries will clearly indicate which ones are 'verified' user submissions and which ones aren't.

They will also indicate colloquial and dialect expressions appropriately.If you are a poet, then help is as close as your computer. Online language resources also include helpful rhyming dictionaries. An internet search for 'rhyming dictionary Arabic, 'rhyming dictionary German', 'rhyming dictionary Spanish', and so on will give you good results.

It's best to rely on accredited educational sites (domains ending in .edu) when doing Arabic grammar research. For instance, if you are looking for Arabic verb conjugations, try a search like 'Arabic verb conjugations site:.edu'.

Although at the time of writing the previous search doesn't work at MSN, it does work at Google, Yahoo!, Ask.com, and many others. The 'site:edu' portion of the search restricts results to domains ending in '.edu' - which are usually universities and other similar educational institutions.

Language Learning Fun #4 - Online Arabic Chatting and Video Conferencing

You can also use webcams, VOIP, microphones and put them all together to talk with foreign friends and native Arabic speakers from all over the world. Using the Arabic language in conversation is probably the quickest way to learn it.

But just remember that whatever you do, the more senses you can stimulate during the language learning process, the more firmly imprinted the learning becomes. Turn your Arabic language education into a fun-filled sensory experience and you will probably stick with it. If it becomes monotonous, you will probably begin to lose interest.

For More Information About How To Learn Arabic

David A. Bailey, Jr. shares his best, top-secret, and little-known tips and tricks to learn Arabic and other languages fast (based on 10+ years of experience) at http://exlsite.com/languagelearning/arabic/learningarabic.html